Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Random Gleanings from Exponential '10

From Mark Batterson: The chief end of man is to glorify God! Minister TO the Lord not FOR the Lord! Have a God-sized VISION beyond your resources! Vision defines budget; budget does NOT define vision! If you don't turn God's blessings into praise, they turn into pride! It’s not about WHERE you are going; it’s about WHO you are becoming! Sometimes God gets IN the way to SHOW us the way!

From Matt Chandler: The GOSPEL is our ONLY message! Preach the gospel, not moralistic deism! The cul-de-sac of stupidity is loving your city without the Gospel! Alienation from God leads to Hostility of Mind which leads to Evil Deeds! Find new ways to preach the old, old story! We've been saved FROM sin and TO mission! Quit asking people to do what you won't do! Your church is weak where you are weak! Be ON MISSION! LOVE and KNOW the cross of Jesus Christ and His resurrection!!!

From Francis Chan: Who in your church has actually MADE a disciple? Does my life look like Jesus? Would anyone every say, “The day I spent with Randy was the closest experience of what it would be like to walk with Jesus!”? When you are alone with the Word of God, do you read “have a church service” or do you ready “make disciples”? The older we get, the safer in our faith we become! Will people ever say about your church, “I’ve never seen LOVE like that before!” or “I’ve never seen UNITY like that before!” or “I’ve never seen FORGIVENESS like that before!”? What is your church KNOWN for?

From Louie Giglio: The Acts 2 Church DID NOT KNOW what an Acts 2 Church was! All they had was 1) the Teachings of Jesus, 2) the Eye Witness of the Resurrection and 3) the Power of the Holy Spirit! We have what they had! Don't get your vocabulary from the latest book! Transformation happens IN the Word, AT the Cross and BY the Power of Holy Spirit! Do I put the Word of God in front of people well? FREE me, God, from walking by sight and not by faith!

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