Thursday, June 24, 2010


TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! That's exactly where my Father's Day went this last Sunday when I had the incredible privilege to preach at with both my son and my Dad! Generation Deal x 3 brought the message of "Eldad, Medad and MyDad" from Numbers Chapter 11 in Part 3 of our "insignificant" message series. Thank you Dad for the legacy of Jesus! By His Spirit, God has uniquely gifted believers to live a life of significance! Our gifts are to be used to equip and build up the church, sometimes in a unique way, and when we use our gifts, people see our uniqueness. You can go to for the message outline, the Sharpen The Point devotional and the full audio and video. My cup is still running over with God's blessing from such an emotional day, which was followed up with a delicious 16 oz rib eye at (my Dad's favorite) and experiencing with my family, including my "adopted" grandsons Elias, Isaac and Ben. Love those boys! God is so AMAZINGLY good! I'm juz sayin...

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