Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spiritual Roller Coaster Ride

Online Devotional from sayin....

Spiritual stability is a key factor for those who lead others. However, emotions and circumstances often take us for a spiritual roller coaster ride. We are encouraged when we see the Lord's hand at work, but that can quickly diminish when things change for the worse. During hard times, we often suffer from spiritual forgetfulness - soon doubts, fears and questions arise. In those moments we must remember God's promises and His presence with us. When we choose faith over fear, we can stand firm and move forward knowing the Lord is at work in our behalf.

Then they believed His promises and sang His praise. But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His counsel. In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test. Psalm 106:12-14

Prayer: Dear Lord, You have always seen me through the storms of life. Help me recall those moments when I face trying times. I choose faith over fear today. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

LEADING WITH A LIMP by Dan B. Allender

From Book Review at

"Leading is never easy--whether it is in business, family, or church. Leading can be a thankless job, and the chances are someone is going to angry with you and might even hate you. "It is through leading that I've known the greatest need for a deep, personal, and abiding relationship with Jesus."

To be an effective leader we must face our weaknesses and not hide them. Allowing our weakness to show will bring respect among those you lead. Acknowledging our weaknesses allows us to utilize the gifts/tools God has given us. We can learn to allow others to use their talents by delegating and working closely with others. God uses the most unlikely. The best leaders seem to be the ones that flee from the call to leadership and then submit to God's will by returning to follow the call. For those are the leaders that are not after personal gain but are God-centered.

Dan Allender points that God calls all followers to lead. The capacity in which you lead will vary from another's. A mother leads her children. A Pastor leads his congregation. "Every leader must count the cost of leadership, and the cost includes six realities: crisis, complexity, betrayal, loneliness, weariness, and glory." Serving God makes it all worth it.

Leading With A Limp by Dan B. Allender, PHD is written in simple, easy- to- understand terms. He approaches leadership from a stance I had never heard before. His ideas make sense. This book came to me at just the right moment. I was facing a leadership position that I knew would be very difficult. With the information present in Leading With A Limp, I pray that I can be an effective leader and serve God. I think all leaders ,whether in business, family or church, will benefit from Leading With A Limp."

Although I was not facing a leadership position, but a very difficult leadership decision, I could not have said it better myself! Dr. Allender's book, Leading with a Limp, has been life channging for me any my leadership capacity. Get the book! Juz sayin...